mirror location: fortune city
In the beginning, there was the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void,darkness was upon the face of the deep, fires raged upon it's skin,and the spirit of darkness moved upon the face of the water,and the spirit said let there be darkness, and there was darkness,and god saw the darkness, there was no good
this is another official mirror of the script TRiBE you may download the script from this site, if you get a slow connection on other mirros that holds the script.


TRiBE version 7.1 is now available to download. for help and support, visit us on the IRCnet #TRiBE, but be sure we might kick you asking lame questions.


Download the script by clicking on this image.

written by Wissper, first image made by dr3e
mirror server by gAMbITT
TRiBE, we rule, we know.